zhdk | Departament Design | Newsletter June 2023
Newsletter N°3

May 2024

Dear Reader,

It's been half a year since Newsletter N°2, and we're excited to be back with news and updates.
Continuing the tradition, ZHdK will open its doors for the public Vernissage of the diploma exhibition. We extend a warm invitation for June 6th, 2024, and are thrilled to share some insights.

Diploma Showcase 2024

One of the most anticipated events of the year is approaching. Our bachelor's and master's students have poured countless hours into their diploma projects, which they will be sharing with you at our annual exhibition. We cordially invite you to join us at the show opening on June 6th and celebrate our students graduation and the results of their hard work.

For deeper insights into each project, we encourage you to attend the final presentations of the bachelor students at the Toni Areal Cinema (3.G02) on June 12th at 9:00.


We ’re looking forward to see you there!


June 6th, 2024 at 17:00



June 9th to June 23th, 2023

daily from 12:00 to 20:00


3.K01 (Lecture Hall 1) and 6.K04
Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich 

Public Presentations
Bachelor Visual Communication
June 12th, 2024 from 9:00  

Toni Areal Cinema (3.G02) Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Diploma Publication 2024
Those of you, who have attended our Diploma exhibition in recent years, will be familiar with our annual Diploma publication. Each issue offers a deeper insight into our graduation classes, showcasing their diploma projects and highlighting our study program. Hot off the press, it will be available at our vernissage for visitors to take home free of charge.
VC Diplompublikation 2024 BA+MA
Diploma Projects

To give you a sneak peak of the projects our students will be showing during the diploma exhibition, here is a small selection

of 6 projects.

by Joel Roth
by Moritz Furger
by Vera Oberholzer
by Emma Kouassi
by Mario Naegele
by Stephanie Bär
by Bew Kullasatri
Limbo Bruxelles – Podcast

We're looking back on yet another adventurous Limbo Tour, which took us to Bruxelles in February. As usual, our carefully selected destinations constitute only half of the experience. What truly completes a Limbo Tour is, in addition to the element of the unknown, our extensive network of local partners, designers, guides, and NGOs. With their help Limbo tour takes a deep dive into the vibrant culture and rich history of their cities, granting us an exclusive access to their dynamic art and design scene.    

While Limbo Bruxelles remains a unique experience for us, Andalus Liniger, the creator of the Limbo Tour Format, has curated the first episode of Listening Limbo – the offical Limbo Tour Podcast! We are thrilled to present the inaugural episode of Listening Limbo – the official Limbo Tour Podcast. Forty minutes of auditory immersion await you, inviting you to become a part of our Limbo Tours by ear. We advise you to enjoy the podcast using your headphone to fully immserse in the binaural soundscapes.  


Come to Bruxelles with us : Listening Limbo Episode 1

Fotos: Schaub Stierli Fotografie

Online Magazin:

Texte zur Gestaltung

Explore the significance of articulating design concepts with our latest endeavor: the inaugural edition of “Texte zur Gestaltung”. This collection emerges from a workshop led by Tan Wälchli, highlighting the importance of written expression in complementing visual communication. Join us in harnessing the power of words to generate discourse, foster understanding, and shape collective thought. Welcome to our online magazine, where writing about design is as vital as the design itself.

The first 10 contributions to the magazine were created during a two-week module in the Bachelor Visual Communication by Tan Wälchli, titled “Designers as Writers”, in January 2024. Each student wrote a text, which more or less loosely revolves around their own design work.


Klick to Read: Texte zur Gestaltung

Image from “Sticken als feministischer Akt” by Nina Hitz


This time, we present an exclusive glimpse into this year's graduating classes to showcase some results they have created during their studies.

Backslash Festival 24
Brand & Identity
BA Visual Communication
Studio 6: Workshop with Foreign Legion
MA Visual Communication 
Elsewhere – An Exhibition on Spaces, Words and Narratives 
MA Visual Communication
Digital Maps over Time
Information Design
BA Visual Communication
Swiss Design Awards 2024

Every year, the Swiss Design Award celebrates the most promising talents in Swiss design. Consistently, numerous students, alumni and staff from our institution enthusiastically participate in the prestigious competition, and often, take the prices home. As we eagerly anticipate this year’s Swiss Design Award ceremony, scheduled during Art Basel from June 11–16, 2024, we are delighted to extend our congratulations to our Visual Communication alumni who have been recognized as finalists for the esteemed award in 2024.


Congratulations to:


  • Supersoft (Filip Despotovic, Zoe Barcelo)
  • Orlando Brunner
  • Simone Farner & Naima Schalcher
  • Gianluca Flütsch
  • Sylvan Lanz
  • Onari Projects (Anina Amacker, alongside Laura Moor)
Archeology of Consequent Forms by Orlando Brunner for Swiss Design Awards 2024

Distinctions at renowned book design competitions

Students and alumni from our programs have recently been honored with prestigious awards at two renowned international competitions: the “Best Book Design from all over the World” and the “Jan Tschichold Prize 2024.” These accolades recognize excellence in book design on a global scale, presented respectively by the Stiftung Buchkunst and the Federal Office of Culture (BAK). Among the distinguished recipients were Jana Sofie Liebe, Ladina Döring (in collaboration with Teo Schifferli and Lou Rais), and Michel Egger (in collaboration with Bänziger Hug / Samuel Bänziger), who received awards such as the “Golden Letter,” in addition to silver, bronze medals, and honorary diplomas.

Furthermore, ZHdK alumna Larissa Kasper, alongside Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, and Olivier Hug, was recognized with the Jan Tschichold Prize 2024 for an exceptional contribution to book design through their publishing house Jungle Books, as awarded by the Federal Office of Culture (BAK).


Congratulations to all the talented winners for their remarkable achievements!

Walking as Research Practice, designed by Jana Sofie Liebe, won the Golden Letter at the “Best Book Design from all over the World” competition. © Soapbox
Thomas K. Keller. Die Rationalität des Baumeisterlichen, designed by Ladina Döring in collaboration with Teo Schifferli and Lou Rais
Sebastian Riemer. Press Paintings, designed by Michel Egger in collaboration with Bänziger Hug / Samuel Bänziger
VC-Edition Seeing
By now, Seeing, our ongoing teaching and research publication series should not need any further introduction. With each new publication, the series is dedicated to spreading knowledge and awareness through written and visual form, reshaping innovative research into exciting editorial formats. We are pleased to announce the release of our newest publication: “Seeing Vol. 2.”
Seeing Volume 2 bridges two main themes by exploring how images are able to portray things that do not or might not (yet) exist, and how images are able to affect us emotionally. The volume features visual reflections, poems, annotated lists, experiments and observations made by students in response to two seminars on Visual Culture in the MA programme in Visual Communication at ZHdK. These responses are introduced by Björn Franke, linked to the realm of perception through a visual essay by Anina Amacker, and brought to other states of consciousness via an essay by Sarah Owens.

6. June at 17:00

Diploma Exhibition Vernissage 

Toni-Areal, 3.K01 (Hörsaal 1), 6.K04

7.–24. June, 12:00 to 20:00

Diploma Exhibition

Toni-Areal, 3.K01 (Hörsaal 1), 6.K04

11.–16. June  

Swiss Design Awards

Hall 11 Basel Fair

12. June at 9:00

Bachelor examination public presentations

Toni Areal Cinema (3.G02)

20. June from 18:00
Most Beautiful Swiss Books and Jan Tschichold Award
Helmhaus Zurich

 3.–4. October
Stadtcasino Basel, Switzerland

Visual Communication
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
CH-8005 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 446 32 12